Raw SOAP XML response
Sterpu Victor
2016-11-02 13:37:02 UTC

I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works: String response =
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following
error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because
caching is disabled"

I tryed to enable cache like this, but it didn't work:

ServiceClient sc =
ServiceContext srv_context =

OperationContext oc= new

Thank you
Martin Gainty
2016-11-02 14:58:09 UTC
possible outdated version of axiom

* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see WSCOMMONS-485).
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the XOP processing and to use
* {@link OMAttachmentAccessor#getDataHandler(String)} to retrieve the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
* {@link org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.datahandler.DataHandlerReader} (embedded in axiom-api) extension.

upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9 should mitigate the error you are now receiving

*please keep us apprised*


From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response


I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works: String response = sc.getLastOperationContext().getMessageContext("In").getEnvelope().toString();
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because caching is disabled"

I tryed to enable cache like this, but it didn't work:

ServiceClient sc = (ServiceClient)method_getServiceClient.invoke(objectReflect);
ServiceContext srv_context = sc.getServiceContext();
OperationContext oc= new OperationContext();

Thank you
Sterpu Victor
2016-11-02 15:57:09 UTC
It didn't work.
This is what I did: I deleted from the directory of Axis2\lib 4 files:
axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar,
and I added these 4 files:
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old
jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org>; "Sterpu
Victor" <***@caido.ro>
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response
Post by Martin Gainty
possible outdated version of axiom
* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was
inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the
XOP processing and to use
the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the
object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
(embedded in axiom-api) extension.
upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9
should mitigate the error you are now receiving
*please keep us apprised*
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response
I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works: String response =
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following
error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node
because caching is disabled"
ServiceClient sc =
ServiceContext srv_context =
OperationContext oc= new
Thank you
Martin Gainty
2016-11-02 19:28:48 UTC
From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org
Subject: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

It didn't work.
This is what I did: I deleted from the directory of Axis2\lib 4 files: axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar, axiom-impl-1.2.19.jar
and I added these 4 files: axiom-api-1.2.20.jar,axiom-dom-1.2.20.jar,axiom-impl-1.2.20.jar,axiom-jaxb-1.2.20.jar.
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response

possible outdated version of axiom

* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see WSCOMMONS-485).
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the XOP processing and to use
* {@link OMAttachmentAccessor#getDataHandler(String)} to retrieve the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
* {@link org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.datahandler.DataHandlerReader} (embedded in axiom-api) extension.

upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9 should mitigate the error you are now receiving

*please keep us apprised*


From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response


I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works:
String response = sc.getLastOperationContext().getMessageContext("In").getEnvelope().toString();

MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of axis2.xml
MG> ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("../../repository", //exact location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml

MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from ConfigurationContext
MG> ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);

MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning we sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).

public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new QName(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI,
MG>OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);

MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
MG>MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE));
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label "In" which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only, In-Out, //Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";

MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();

But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because caching is disabled"

I tryed to enable cache like this, but it didn't work:

ServiceClient sc = (ServiceClient)method_getServiceClient.invoke(objectReflect);
ServiceContext srv_context = sc.getServiceContext();
OperationContext oc= new OperationContext();

Thank you
Andreas Veithen
2016-11-03 00:07:21 UTC
This is by design. To avoid the overhead of building a complete DOM
like representation of the message, Axis2 actually consumes the
message (more specifically the content of the SOAP Body element) when
converting it to a Java object. Once that is done, the original
message can no longer be serialized. In the fault case the situation
is different because Axis2 doesn't get to the point where it would
consume (part of) the message.

Post by Sterpu Victor
I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works: String response =
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following
error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because
caching is disabled"
ServiceClient sc =
ServiceContext srv_context =
OperationContext oc= new OperationContext();
Thank you
To unsubscribe, e-mail: java-user-***@axis.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: java-user-***@axis.apache.org
sanjib mondal
2016-11-07 09:20:44 UTC
Hi ,

Please unsubscribe my email id from all the list of ais.apache.org.

I have already informed this so many times but still i am getting email. If
i get email next time then i need to proceed with legal procedure.

Post by Andreas Veithen
This is by design. To avoid the overhead of building a complete DOM
like representation of the message, Axis2 actually consumes the
message (more specifically the content of the SOAP Body element) when
converting it to a Java object. Once that is done, the original
message can no longer be serialized. In the fault case the situation
is different because Axis2 doesn't get to the point where it would
consume (part of) the message.
Post by Sterpu Victor
I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works: String response =
Post by Sterpu Victor
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following
error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because
caching is disabled"
ServiceClient sc =
ServiceContext srv_context =
OperationContext oc= new
Post by Sterpu Victor
Thank you
Sterpu Victor
2016-11-14 21:58:41 UTC
I tired your code but I got a problem. This is what I wrote(I don't have
a axis2.xml file, I just create the stub with wsdl2java and used the
ConfigurationContext configContext =
ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
OperationClient mepClient =
String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();

These lines are executed immediatly after the succesful SOAP call and I
receive a java.lang.NullPointerException at the line "String
response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();".
I traced the SOAP response with Fiddler and the answer is "<?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope

Thank you.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org>; "Sterpu
Victor" <***@caido.ro>
Sent: 2/11/2016 9:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response
Post by Martin Gainty
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
Subject: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response
It didn't work.
axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar,
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old
jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response
Post by Martin Gainty
possible outdated version of axiom
* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was
inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the
XOP processing and to use
the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the
object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
(embedded in axiom-api) extension.
upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9
should mitigate the error you are now receiving
*please keep us apprised*
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response
I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2
String response =
MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of
MG>ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("../../repository", //exact
location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml
MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from
MG>ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP
response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning
we sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).
public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new
MG>OperationClient mepClient =
MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label
"In" which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only,
In-Out, //Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";
MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the
following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next
node because caching is disabled"
ServiceClient sc =
ServiceContext srv_context =
OperationContext oc= new
Thank you
Martin Gainty
2016-11-15 11:46:09 UTC
if you dont have axis2.xml in server config do you have annotations defined in server code?


Java Web services: JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2<http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-jws8/>
Apache Axis2 supports a range of data-binding technologies, including the official Java standard, JAXB 2.x. Axis2 also supports the Java standard for Web service configuration, JAX-WS 2.x, as an alternative to its own custom configuration technique. Dennis Sosnoski continues his Java Web services column series by demonstrating how you can use each of these Java standards with Axis2 and discussing some of the limitations of Axis2's current support for them.

do you have a Axis2 Server fully operational.. what does Axis Happiness page say?



From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 4:58 PM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org
Subject: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response

I tired your code but I got a problem. This is what I wrote(I don't have a axis2.xml file, I just create the stub with wsdl2java and used the class):
ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.createDefaultConfigurationContext();
ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);
String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();

These lines are executed immediatly after the succesful SOAP call and I receive a java.lang.NullPointerException at the line "String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();".
I traced the SOAP response with Fiddler and the answer is "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><dlwmin:storeClinicalDocumentSResponse xmlns:dlwmin="core.des.uti.ro" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><return></return></dlwmin:storeClinicalDocumentSResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>"

Thank you.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 9:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

It didn't work.
This is what I did: I deleted from the directory of Axis2\lib 4 files: axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar, axiom-impl-1.2.19.jar
and I added these 4 files: axiom-api-1.2.20.jar,axiom-dom-1.2.20.jar,axiom-impl-1.2.20.jar,axiom-jaxb-1.2.20.jar.
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response

possible outdated version of axiom

* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see WSCOMMONS-485).
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the XOP processing and to use
* {@link OMAttachmentAccessor#getDataHandler(String)} to retrieve the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
* {@link org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.datahandler.DataHandlerReader} (embedded in axiom-api) extension.

upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9 should mitigate the error you are now receiving

*please keep us apprised*


From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response


I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works:
String response = sc.getLastOperationContext().getMessageContext("In").getEnvelope().toString();

MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of axis2.xml
MG> ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("../../repository", //exact location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml

MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from ConfigurationContext
MG> ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);

MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning we sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).

public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new QName(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI,
MG>OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);

MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
MG>MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE));
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label "In" which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only, In-Out, //Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";

MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();

But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because caching is disabled"

I tryed to enable cache like this, but it didn't work:

ServiceClient sc = (ServiceClient)method_getServiceClient.invoke(objectReflect);
ServiceContext srv_context = sc.getServiceContext();
OperationContext oc= new OperationContext();

Thank you
Martin Gainty
2016-11-16 01:07:55 UTC
Martin Gainty

_____ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ |_ _| |_ ___ | _ |___ ___ ___| |_ ___ | __|___| _| |_ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ | __|___ _ _ ___ _| |___| |_|_|___ ___ | | | | -_| | | . | .'| _| | -_| |__ | . | _| _| | | | .'| _| -_| | __| . | | | | . | .'| _| | . | | |_| |_|_|___| |__|__| _|__,|___|_|_|___| |_____|___|_| |_| |_____|__,|_| |___| |__| |___|___|_|_|___|__,|_| |_|___|_|_| |_|

From: Martin Gainty <***@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 6:46 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org; Sterpu Victor
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response

if you dont have axis2.xml in server config do you have annotations defined in server code?


Java Web services: JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2<http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-jws8/>
Apache Axis2 supports a range of data-binding technologies, including the official Java standard, JAXB 2.x. Axis2 also supports the Java standard for Web service configuration, JAX-WS 2.x, as an alternative to its own custom configuration technique. Dennis Sosnoski continues his Java Web services column series by demonstrating how you can use each of these Java standards with Axis2 and discussing some of the limitations of Axis2's current support for them.

do you have a Axis2 Server fully operational.. what does Axis Happiness page say?




From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 4:58 PM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org
Subject: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response

I tired your code but I got a problem. This is what I wrote(I don't have a axis2.xml file, I just create the stub with wsdl2java and used the class):
ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.createDefaultConfigurationContext();
ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);
String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();

These lines are executed immediatly after the succesful SOAP call and I receive a java.lang.NullPointerException at the line "String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();".
I traced the SOAP response with Fiddler and the answer is "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><dlwmin:storeClinicalDocumentSResponse xmlns:dlwmin="core.des.uti.ro" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><return></return></dlwmin:storeClinicalDocumentSResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>"

Thank you.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 9:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

It didn't work.
This is what I did: I deleted from the directory of Axis2\lib 4 files: axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar, axiom-impl-1.2.19.jar
and I added these 4 files: axiom-api-1.2.20.jar,axiom-dom-1.2.20.jar,axiom-impl-1.2.20.jar,axiom-jaxb-1.2.20.jar.
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response

possible outdated version of axiom

* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see WSCOMMONS-485).
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the XOP processing and to use
* {@link OMAttachmentAccessor#getDataHandler(String)} to retrieve the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
* {@link org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.datahandler.DataHandlerReader} (embedded in axiom-api) extension.

upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9 should mitigate the error you are now receiving

*please keep us apprised*


From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response


I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works:
String response = sc.getLastOperationContext().getMessageContext("In").getEnvelope().toString();

MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of axis2.xml
MG> ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("../../repository", //exact location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml

MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from ConfigurationContext
MG> ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);

MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning we sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).

public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new QName(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI,
MG>OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);

MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
MG>MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE));
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label "In" which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only, In-Out, //Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";

MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();

But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because caching is disabled"

I tryed to enable cache like this, but it didn't work:

ServiceClient sc = (ServiceClient)method_getServiceClient.invoke(objectReflect);
ServiceContext srv_context = sc.getServiceContext();
OperationContext oc= new OperationContext();

Thank you
Sterpu Victor
2016-11-16 11:50:42 UTC
I don't have a Axis2 server at all, the server is not implemented by me,
I just want to use a Axis2 client.
This is why I don't have axis2.xml. :)

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org>
Sent: 16/11/2016 3:07:55 AM
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response
Post by Sterpu Victor
Martin Gainty
_____ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ |_ _| |_ ___ | _ |___ ___ ___|
|_ ___ | __|___| _| |_ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ | __|___ _ _ ___ _| |___|
|_|_|___ ___ | | | | -_| | | . | .'| _| | -_| |__ | . | _| _| | | | .'|
_| -_| | __| . | | | | . | .'| _| | . | | |_| |_|_|___| |__|__|
_|__,|___|_|_|___| |_____|___|_| |_| |_____|__,|_| |___| |__|
|___|___|_|_|___|__,|_| |_|___|_|_| |_|
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response
if you dont have axis2.xml in server config do you have annotations
defined in server code?
Java Web services: JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2
Apache Axis2 supports a range of data-binding technologies, including
the official Java standard, JAXB 2.x. Axis2 also supports the Java
standard for Web service configuration, JAX-WS 2.x, as an alternative
to its own custom configuration technique. Dennis Sosnoski continues
his Java Web services column series by demonstrating how you can use
each of these Java standards with Axis2 and discussing some of the
limitations of Axis2's current support for them.
do you have a Axis2 Server fully operational.. what does Axis Happiness
page say?
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 4:58 PM
Subject: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response
I tired your code but I got a problem. This is what I wrote(I don't
have a axis2.xml file, I just create the stub with wsdl2java and used
ConfigurationContext configContext =
ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
OperationClient mepClient =
String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();
These lines are executed immediatly after the succesful SOAP call and I
receive a java.lang.NullPointerException at the line "String
response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();".
I traced the SOAP response with Fiddler and the answer is "<?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope
Thank you.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 2/11/2016 9:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response
Post by Martin Gainty
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
Subject: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response
It didn't work.
axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar,
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the
old jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response
Post by Martin Gainty
possible outdated version of axiom
* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was
inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle
the XOP processing and to use
retrieve the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as
specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the
object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.datahandler.DataHandlerReader} (embedded in
axiom-api) extension.
upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with
1.2.9 should mitigate the error you are now receiving
*please keep us apprised*
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response
I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2
String response =
MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of
MG>ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
//exact location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml
MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from
MG>ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP
response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning
we sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).
public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new
MG>OperationClient mepClient =
MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label
"In" which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only,
In-Out, //Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";
MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the
following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next
node because caching is disabled"
ServiceClient sc =
ServiceContext srv_context =
OperationContext oc= new
Thank you
Martin Gainty
2016-11-16 14:31:20 UTC
nothing we can do to mitigate if we dont know the status of the Axis2 Server

feel free to pass this information to Axis2 ServerAdmin and have them contact us for assistance



From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 6:50 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org; java-***@axis.apache.org
Subject: Re[6]: Raw SOAP XML response

I don't have a Axis2 server at all, the server is not implemented by me, I just want to use a Axis2 client.
This is why I don't have axis2.xml. :)

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>
Sent: 16/11/2016 3:07:55 AM
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response

Martin Gainty

_____ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ |_ _| |_ ___ | _ |___ ___ ___| |_ ___ | __|___| _| |_ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ | __|___ _ _ ___ _| |___| |_|_|___ ___ | | | | -_| | | . | .'| _| | -_| |__ | . | _| _| | | | .'| _| -_| | __| . | | | | . | .'| _| | . | | |_| |_|_|___| |__|__| _|__,|___|_|_|___| |_____|___|_| |_| |_____|__,|_| |___| |__| |___|___|_|_|___|__,|_| |_|___|_|_| |_|

From: Martin Gainty <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 6:46 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>; Sterpu Victor
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response

if you dont have axis2.xml in server config do you have annotations defined in server code?


Java Web services: JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2<http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-jws8/>
Apache Axis2 supports a range of data-binding technologies, including the official Java standard, JAXB 2.x. Axis2 also supports the Java standard for Web service configuration, JAX-WS 2.x, as an alternative to its own custom configuration technique. Dennis Sosnoski continues his Java Web services column series by demonstrating how you can use each of these Java standards with Axis2 and discussing some of the limitations of Axis2's current support for them.

do you have a Axis2 Server fully operational.. what does Axis Happiness page say?




From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 4:58 PM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response

I tired your code but I got a problem. This is what I wrote(I don't have a axis2.xml file, I just create the stub with wsdl2java and used the class):
ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.createDefaultConfigurationContext();
ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);
String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();

These lines are executed immediatly after the succesful SOAP call and I receive a java.lang.NullPointerException at the line "String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();".
I traced the SOAP response with Fiddler and the answer is "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soapenv:Body><dlwmin:storeClinicalDocumentSResponse xmlns:dlwmin="core.des.uti.ro" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><return></return></dlwmin:storeClinicalDocumentSResponse></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>"

Thank you.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 9:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
To: Martin Gainty; java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response

It didn't work.
This is what I did: I deleted from the directory of Axis2\lib 4 files: axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar, axiom-impl-1.2.19.jar
and I added these 4 files: axiom-api-1.2.20.jar,axiom-dom-1.2.20.jar,axiom-impl-1.2.20.jar,axiom-jaxb-1.2.20.jar.
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Martin Gainty" <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>>
To: "java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>" <java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>>; "Sterpu Victor" <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response

possible outdated version of axiom

* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see WSCOMMONS-485).
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the XOP processing and to use
* {@link OMAttachmentAccessor#getDataHandler(String)} to retrieve the binary content.
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
* {@link org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.datahandler.DataHandlerReader} (embedded in axiom-api) extension.

upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9 should mitigate the error you are now receiving

*please keep us apprised*


From: Sterpu Victor <***@caido.ro<mailto:***@caido.ro>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org<mailto:java-***@axis.apache.org>
Subject: Raw SOAP XML response


I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
When Axis2 call retusrns an error this code works:
String response = sc.getLastOperationContext().getMessageContext("In").getEnvelope().toString();

MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of axis2.xml
MG> ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("../../repository", //exact location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml

MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from ConfigurationContext
MG> ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);

MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning we sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).

public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new QName(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI,
MG>OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);

MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
MG>MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE));
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label "In" which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only, In-Out, //Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";

MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();

But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because caching is disabled"

I tryed to enable cache like this, but it didn't work:

ServiceClient sc = (ServiceClient)method_getServiceClient.invoke(objectReflect);
ServiceContext srv_context = sc.getServiceContext();
OperationContext oc= new OperationContext();

Thank you
Andreas Veithen
2016-11-16 15:23:53 UTC
Stop talking nonsense, Martin. He's having an issue on the client side, and
it doesn't matter what is running on the server side.

As I pointed out earlier, once the response has been consumed, you can no
longer serialize it, and that explains the error.

Post by Martin Gainty
nothing we can do to mitigate if we dont know the status of the Axis2 Server
feel free to pass this information to Axis2 ServerAdmin and have them
contact us for assistance
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 16, 2016 6:50 AM
*Subject:* Re[6]: Raw SOAP XML response
I don't have a Axis2 server at all, the server is not implemented by me, I
just want to use a Axis2 client.
This is why I don't have axis2.xml. :)
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 16/11/2016 3:07:55 AM
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response
Martin Gainty
_____ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ |_ _| |_ ___ | _ |___ ___ ___| |_ ___ | __|___| _| |_ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ | __|___ _ _ ___ _| |___| |_|_|___ ___ | | | | -_| | | . | .'| _| | -_| |__ | . | _| _| | | | .'| _| -_| | __| . | | | | . | .'| _| | . | | |_| |_|_|___| |__|__| _|__,|___|_|_|___| |_____|___|_| |_| |_____|__,|_| |___| |__| |___|___|_|_|___|__,|_| |_|___|_|_| |_|
*Sent:* Tuesday, November 15, 2016 6:46 AM
*Subject:* Re: Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response
if you dont have axis2.xml in server config do you have annotations defined in server code?
Java Web services: JAXB and JAX-WS in Axis2
Apache Axis2 supports a range of data-binding technologies, including the
official Java standard, JAXB 2.x. Axis2 also supports the Java standard for
Web service configuration, JAX-WS 2.x, as an alternative to its own custom
configuration technique. Dennis Sosnoski continues his Java Web services
column series by demonstrating how you can use each of these Java standards
with Axis2 and discussing some of the limitations of Axis2's current
support for them.
do you have a Axis2 Server fully operational.. what does Axis Happiness page say?
*Sent:* Monday, November 14, 2016 4:58 PM
*Subject:* Re[4]: Raw SOAP XML response
I tired your code but I got a problem. This is what I wrote(I don't have a
ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.
ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(
String response_xml = response.getEnvelope().toString();
These lines are executed immediatly after the succesful SOAP call and I
receive a java.lang.NullPointerException at the line "String response_xml
= response.getEnvelope().toString();".
I traced the SOAP response with Fiddler and the answer is "<?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="
xmlns:dlwmin="core.des.uti.ro" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/
Thank you.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 2/11/2016 9:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 2, 2016 11:57 AM
*Subject:* Re[2]: Raw SOAP XML response
It didn't work.
axiom-jaxb-1.2.19.jar, axiom-api-1.2.19.jar, axiom-dom-1.2.19.jar,
and I added these 4 files: axiom-api-1.2.20.jar,axiom-
I use Axis embeded so I also deleted from my netbeans libraries the old
jars and added the new ones.
I recompiled and the error remained.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 2/11/2016 4:58:09 PM
Subject: Re: Raw SOAP XML response
possible outdated version of axiom
* In Axiom versions prior to 1.2.9, the sequence of events was inconsistent if the
* underlying stream is XOP encoded and caching is disabled (see WSCOMMONS-485).
* This made it necessary for the caller to (partially) handle the XOP
processing and to use
* Starting with 1.2.9 this is no longer be the case: as specified above,
* the sequence of events is *independent of the state of the object model*
* and the value of the <code>cache</code> parameter,
* and ALL binary content is reported through the
(embedded in axiom-api) extension.
upgrade axiom to 1.2.9 a recompile, package, deploy and run with 1.2.9
should mitigate the error you are now receiving
*please keep us apprised*
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 2, 2016 9:37 AM
*Subject:* Raw SOAP XML response
I need to save the raw SOAP XML response from Axis2(I use axis 2 1.7.3).
String response = sc.getLastOperationContext().getMessageContext("In").
MG>//build configurationContext from location of repo and name of axis2.xml
MG> ConfigurationContext configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory
.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("../../repository", //exact
location of repository
"axis2.xml"); //exact filename of axis2.xml
MG>establish new ServiceClient implementing attributes from
MG> ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
MG>you will need to supply a QName for incoming request and SOAP response output
* Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning we
sent a message and receive
* a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).
public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new QName(Constants.AXIS2_
MG>OperationClient mepClient = sender.createClient(ServiceClient.
MG>ask client to contact axis2 server and pull a response back
MG>MessageContext response=mepClient.getMessageContext(WSDLConstant
*MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE Constant to represent the message label "In"
which is used by the
* following WSDL 2.0 defined MEPs: In-Only, Robust In-Only, In-Out,
//Hint: In-Out is your Message Exchange
* In-Optional-Out, Out-In, Out-Optional-In.
public static final byte MESSAGE_LABEL_IN = 0;
public static final String MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE = "In";
MG>convert soapEnvelope to String
MG>String response =response.getEnvelope().toString();
But when I run a succesful Axis2 call the same code gives the following
error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't process next node because
caching is disabled"
ServiceClient sc = (ServiceClient)method_
ServiceContext srv_context =
OperationContext oc= new
Thank you
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