[Axis2] Migration from Axis 1.4 to Axis2 1.7.5
Jon Wong
2017-07-20 19:44:33 UTC
Dear all,

I am currently trying to upgrade an existing Web Service that was written in Axis 1.4 to Axis2 1.7.5. I have taken the existing Axis 1.4 WSDL and used the Axis2 1.7.5 Wsdl2Java tool to create the Java files with the following command:

./wsdl2java.sh -uri [my wsdl location].wsdl -d adb -wv 1.1 -ss -sd -ssi

After running the command, some of the generated classes have a capital "E" appended to them such as responseE.java. Is this a known Axis2 bug or an issue with my Wsdl or is this expected behavior?

Also is deploying an Axis2 service in an .aar file necessary? Could one just use a .war file instead?

Kind regards,

Jonathan Wong
Jr. Software Engineer
Accu-Time Systems, Inc.
175 Federal Street, Suite 1225 | Boston, MA 02110
t: +1 860 375 1943
robertlazarski .
2017-07-21 16:44:45 UTC
Post by Jon Wong
Dear all,
I am currently trying to upgrade an existing Web Service that was written in
Axis 1.4 to Axis2 1.7.5. I have taken the existing Axis 1.4 WSDL and used
the Axis2 1.7.5 Wsdl2Java tool to create the Java files with the following
./wsdl2java.sh -uri [my wsdl location].wsdl -d adb -wv 1.1 -ss -sd -ssi
After running the command, some of the generated classes have a capital "E"
appended to them such as responseE.java. Is this a known Axis2 bug or an
issue with my Wsdl or is this expected behavior?
Don't recall ever seeing that issue. I'd suspect the wsdl.

BTW, there is a migration guide from axis1 to axis2:

Post by Jon Wong
Also is deploying an Axis2 service in an .aar file necessary? Could one just
use a .war file instead?
AFAIK the aar is required and it needs to be inside the WAR, though
you can expand it as a directory under, for example,
WEB-INF/services/myAARDir .

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Jon Wong
2017-07-24 16:34:38 UTC
Thank you for the helpful response Robert. I managed to generate my classes with the Wsdl2Java without an extra "E" at the end by making modifications to my Wsdl.

I still have some questions about embedding Axis2 into an existing application and deploying it. I have followed steps outlined here: https://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/docs/quickstartguide.html and generated an .aar file using the command mvn axis2-aar:aar and would like to embed that into a .war file.

I am building the .war file through Maven and placing the .aar file into webapps/WEB-INF/services/ directory. Are the .mar files necessary in this case? When importing the WSDL with SOAP UI and testing out the operations I have defined, I am receiving a 500 Error. What would be a good debugging strategy in this scenario?

Any feedback or advice would be highly appreciated.

Thank you,

Jonathan Wong
Jr. Software Engineer
Accu-Time Systems, Inc.
175 Federal Street, Suite 1225 | Boston, MA 02110
t: +1 860 375 1943

From: robertlazarski . [***@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:44 PM
To: java-***@axis.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Migration from Axis 1.4 to Axis2 1.7.5
Post by Jon Wong
Dear all,
I am currently trying to upgrade an existing Web Service that was written in
Axis 1.4 to Axis2 1.7.5. I have taken the existing Axis 1.4 WSDL and used
the Axis2 1.7.5 Wsdl2Java tool to create the Java files with the following
./wsdl2java.sh -uri [my wsdl location].wsdl -d adb -wv 1.1 -ss -sd -ssi
After running the command, some of the generated classes have a capital "E"
appended to them such as responseE.java. Is this a known Axis2 bug or an
issue with my Wsdl or is this expected behavior?
Don't recall ever seeing that issue. I'd suspect the wsdl.

BTW, there is a migration guide from axis1 to axis2:

Post by Jon Wong
Also is deploying an Axis2 service in an .aar file necessary? Could one just
use a .war file instead?
AFAIK the aar is required and it needs to be inside the WAR, though
you can expand it as a directory under, for example,
WEB-INF/services/myAARDir .

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For additional commands, e-mail: java-user-***@axis.apache.org

To unsubscribe, e-mail: java-user-***@axis.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: java-user-***@axis.apache.org
robertlazarski .
2017-07-24 16:49:00 UTC
Post by Jon Wong
Thank you for the helpful response Robert. I managed to generate my classes with the Wsdl2Java without an extra "E" at the end by making modifications to my Wsdl.
I still have some questions about embedding Axis2 into an existing application and deploying it. I have followed steps outlined here: https://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/docs/quickstartguide.html and generated an .aar file using the command mvn axis2-aar:aar and would like to embed that into a .war file.
I am building the .war file through Maven and placing the .aar file into webapps/WEB-INF/services/ directory. Are the .mar files necessary in this case? When importing the WSDL with SOAP UI and testing out the operations I have defined, I am receiving a 500 Error. What would be a good debugging strategy in this scenario?
Any feedback or advice would be highly appreciated.
Thank you,
Jonathan Wong
No mar files required (unless by Soap UI you mean the soap monitor)
though you may require a version.aar, included in the axis2 binary
distro, in your services dir ... at one point it was required, not
sure in the latest release so I include it anyways.

Look at the logs for the stack trace that caused the 500 error, if in
doubt post the entire stack trace in a response to this email thread.

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