Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
2016-06-16 10:09:07 UTC
Hi, I'm new to here.

I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated wsdl
accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always treated
as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added

the related code is here:

And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?
Martin Gainty
2016-06-16 12:32:58 UTC
From: ***@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Hi, I'm new to here.

I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added @BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING).

the related code is here:

And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?

MG>in axis2.xml what are values for parameter disableSOAP12 and parameter disableSOAP11
<parameter name="disableSOAP12" locked="true">?</parameter>
<parameter name="disableSOAP11" locked="true">?</parameter>
2016-06-16 13:37:23 UTC
Thank you for your reply!

I changed these parameters to like the below in axis2.xml, but got the same
result... Any idea?

<parameter name="disableREST" locked="true">true</parameter> <!-- false to
true -->
<parameter name="disableSOAP12" locked="true">false</parameter>
<parameter name="disableSOAP11" locked="true">true</parameter> <!-- added
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Hi, I'm new to here.
I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated
wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always
treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added
And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?
MG>in axis2.xml what are values for parameter disableSOAP12 and parameter disableSOAP11
<parameter name="disableSOAP12" locked="true">?</parameter>
<parameter name="disableSOAP11" locked="true">?</parameter>
Martin Gainty
2016-06-16 15:48:08 UTC
From: ***@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 13:37:23 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Thank you for your reply!

I changed these parameters to like the below in axis2.xml, but got the same result... Any idea?

<parameter name="disableREST" locked="true">true</parameter> <!-- false to true -->
<parameter name="disableSOAP12" locked="true">false</parameter>
<parameter name="disableSOAP11" locked="true">true</parameter> <!-- added -->

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:33 PM Martin Gainty <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: ***@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Hi, I'm new to here.

I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added @BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING).

the related code is here:

And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?

MG>your client code:
public class Client {
public String invokeSayHello(String text) { HelloWorld_Service service = new HelloWorld_Service();
MG>create a valid JAX-WS service using YOUR parameters populated into QName
MG>javax.xml.ws.Service service = Service.create(new QName(
"http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/test/OMELEMENT", "OMElementService"));
MG>programatically add SOAP1.2 port using SOAP12HTTP_BINDING parms to your JAXWS service:

MG>service.addPort( new QName(
"http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/test/OMELEMENT", "OMElementPort"), javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING,"http://localhost:6060/axis2/services/OMElementProviderService.OMElementProviderPort");//tweak above port parameter to YOUR PORT
//grab all the configured ports and print them out MG>java.util.Iterator<javax.xml.namespace.QName> ports = service.getPorts(); MG>while(ports.hasNext()) { MG> javax.xml.namespace.QName QNamePort port=(javax.xml.namespace.QName)ports.next(); MG> log.debug("port namespaceURI="+port.getNamespaceURI()); MG> log.debug("port localPart="+port.getLocalPart()); MG> log.debug(" port prefix="+port.getPrefix()); MG> }
HelloWorld stub = service.getHelloWorldPort(); //service was not respecting SOAP12HTTP_BINDING return stub.sayHello(text); }
MG>reference org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatch.OMElementDispatchTest
MG>do you see SOAP12_HTTP_BINDING Port?
2016-06-17 05:45:21 UTC
Martin, thanks a lot!

You mean I must use pojo + services.xml for Web seivices like a
In my example[2], my service classes use only JAX-WS annotations like
java_first_jaxws example[3].

And in my understanding, it seems this issue is caused from hard-corded
with SOAP 1.1 binding.

In my example case, you should get a wsdl generated by axis2 runtime if you
access '

Axis2 uses wsgen(included JDK) to generate the requested wsdl.

and, however, initialize() set binding as SOAP 1.1 regardless of the
service classess binding annotation.

so, wsgen arguments will set for SOAP 1.1.

You must set extra arguments like extension, wsdl:Xsoap1.2 If you want to
use wsgen for SOAP 1.2. so, wsgen will complain about it.

Can I change this behavior? Thanks.

[2] https://github.com/emag/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 13:37:23 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Thank you for your reply!
I changed these parameters to like the below in axis2.xml, but got the
same result... Any idea?
<parameter name="disableREST" locked="true">true</parameter> <!-- false to true -->
<parameter name="disableSOAP12" locked="true">false</parameter>
<parameter name="disableSOAP11" locked="true">true</parameter> <!-- added -->
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Hi, I'm new to here.
I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated
wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always
treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added
And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?
public class Client {
public String invokeSayHello(String text) {
HelloWorld_Service service = new HelloWorld_Service();
MG>create a valid JAX-WS service using YOUR parameters populated into QName
MG>javax.xml.ws.Service service = Service.create(new QName(
MG>service.addPort( new QName(
"OMElementPort"), javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING,
//tweak above port parameter to YOUR PORT
//grab all the configured ports and print them out
MG>java.util.Iterator<javax.xml.namespace.QName> ports =
MG>while(ports.hasNext()) {
MG> javax.xml.namespace.QName QNamePort
MG> log.debug("port namespaceURI="+port.getNamespaceURI());
MG> log.debug("port localPart="+port.getLocalPart());
MG> log.debug(" port prefix="+port.getPrefix());
MG> }
HelloWorld stub = service.getHelloWorldPort(); //service was not
return stub.sayHello(text);
MG>reference org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatch.OMElementDispatchTest
MG>do you see SOAP12_HTTP_BINDING Port?
Martin Gainty
2016-06-17 13:44:38 UTC
MG2>quick comments

From: ***@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 05:45:21 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Martin, thanks a lot!

You mean I must use pojo + services.xml for Web seivices like a quickstart[1]?MG2>for reliable HTTPBinding to SOAP1.2 use the programmatic approach below to bind HTTP to SOAP1.2
In my example[2], my service classes use only JAX-WS annotations like java_first_jaxws example[3].

And in my understanding, it seems this issue is caused from hard-corded with SOAP 1.1 binding.
MG2>with some of the providers unfortunately yes
In my example case, you should get a wsdl generated by axis2 runtime if you access 'http://localhost:8080/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo-server/services/HelloWorldSoap12?wsdl'.

Axis2 uses wsgen(included JDK) to generate the requested wsdl.
and, however, initialize() set binding as SOAP 1.1 regardless of the service classess binding annotation.
so, wsgen arguments will set for SOAP 1.1.

You must set extra arguments like extension, wsdl:Xsoap1.2 If you want to use wsgen for SOAP 1.2. so, wsgen will complain about it.

MG2>annotations can tweak targetNamespace,serviceName,wsdlLocation and PortName from SOAP12EchoImpl.java:

@javax.xml.ws.WebServiceProvider(targetNamespace="http://jaxws.axis2.apache.org/proxy/soap12", serviceName="SOAP12EchoService", wsdlLocation="META-INF/SOAP12Echo.wsdl", portName="EchoPort")@javax.xml.ws.BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING)@javax.xml.ws.ServiceMode(Mode.MESSAGE)public class SOAP12EchoImpl implements javax.xml.ws.Provider<String> {
MG2>Note: you must implement javax.xml.ws.Provider
Can I change this behavior? Thanks.
MG2>all Axis2 functionality routes to axis2 Impl class that *must* implement ProviderMG2>*some* of the providers do have hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING e.g.



MG2>file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the Providers and with parameterised Binding

[1] https://github.com/apache/axis2-java/tree/v1.7.3/modules/samples/quickstart
[2] https://github.com/emag/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo
[3] https://github.com/apache/axis2-java/tree/v1.7.3/modules/samples/java_first_jaxws

MG2>Many Thanks Ianabe for catching this

Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Hi, I'm new to here.

I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added @BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING).

the related code is here:

And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?

MG>your client code:
public class Client {
public String invokeSayHello(String text) { HelloWorld_Service service = new HelloWorld_Service();
MG>create a valid JAX-WS service using YOUR parameters populated into QName
MG>javax.xml.ws.Service service = Service.create(new QName(
"http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/test/OMELEMENT", "OMElementService"));
MG>programatically add SOAP1.2 port using SOAP12HTTP_BINDING parms to your JAXWS service:

MG>service.addPort( new QName(
"http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/test/OMELEMENT", "OMElementPort"), javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING,"http://localhost:6060/axis2/services/OMElementProviderService.OMElementProviderPort");//tweak above port parameter to YOUR PORT
//grab all the configured ports and print them out MG>java.util.Iterator<javax.xml.namespace.QName> ports = service.getPorts(); MG>while(ports.hasNext()) { MG> javax.xml.namespace.QName QNamePort port=(javax.xml.namespace.QName)ports.next(); MG> log.debug("port namespaceURI="+port.getNamespaceURI()); MG> log.debug("port localPart="+port.getLocalPart()); MG> log.debug(" port prefix="+port.getPrefix()); MG> }
HelloWorld stub = service.getHelloWorldPort(); //service was not respecting SOAP12HTTP_BINDING return stub.sayHello(text); }
MG>reference org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatch.OMElementDispatchTest
MG>do you see SOAP12_HTTP_BINDING Port?
2016-06-19 08:43:23 UTC
Martin, Thank you for your confirmation.
Post by Martin Gainty
file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the Providers
and with parameterised Binding
Post by Martin Gainty
MG2>quick comments
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 05:45:21 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Martin, thanks a lot!
You mean I must use pojo + services.xml for Web seivices like a
MG2>for reliable HTTPBinding to SOAP1.2 use the programmatic approach
below to bind HTTP to SOAP1.2
In my example[2], my service classes use only JAX-WS annotations like
java_first_jaxws example[3].
And in my understanding, it seems this issue is caused from hard-corded
with SOAP 1.1 binding.
MG2>with some of the providers unfortunately yes
In my example case, you should get a wsdl generated by axis2 runtime if
you access '
Axis2 uses wsgen(included JDK) to generate the requested wsdl.
and, however, initialize() set binding as SOAP 1.1 regardless of the service classess binding annotation.
so, wsgen arguments will set for SOAP 1.1.
You must set extra arguments like extension, wsdl:Xsoap1.2 If you want to
use wsgen for SOAP 1.2. so, wsgen will complain about it.
MG2>annotations can tweak targetNamespace,serviceName,wsdlLocation and
public class SOAP12EchoImpl implements javax.xml.ws.Provider<String> {
MG2>Note: you must implement javax.xml.ws.Provider
Can I change this behavior? Thanks.
MG2>all Axis2 functionality routes to axis2 Impl class that *must*
implement Provider
MG2>*some* of the providers do have hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING e.g.
grep -S "HTTP11_BINDING" *Provider.java
MG2>file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the
Providers and with parameterised Binding
[2] https://github.com/emag/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo
MG2>Many Thanks Ianabe for catching this
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Hi, I'm new to here.
I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated
wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always
treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added
And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?
public class Client {
public String invokeSayHello(String text) {
HelloWorld_Service service = new HelloWorld_Service();
MG>create a valid JAX-WS service using YOUR parameters populated into QName
MG>javax.xml.ws.Service service = Service.create(new QName(
MG>service.addPort( new QName(
"OMElementPort"), javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING,
//tweak above port parameter to YOUR PORT
//grab all the configured ports and print them out
MG>java.util.Iterator<javax.xml.namespace.QName> ports =
MG>while(ports.hasNext()) {
MG> javax.xml.namespace.QName QNamePort
MG> log.debug("port namespaceURI="+port.getNamespaceURI());
MG> log.debug("port localPart="+port.getLocalPart());
MG> log.debug(" port prefix="+port.getPrefix());
MG> }
HelloWorld stub = service.getHelloWorldPort(); //service was not
return stub.sayHello(text);
MG>reference org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatch.OMElementDispatchTest
MG>do you see SOAP12_HTTP_BINDING Port?
Martin Gainty
2016-06-19 17:12:53 UTC
Its folks like yourself that make Axis the most reliable WS project hosted by Apache
Glad I could help
Thanks Ianabe!
Martin Gainty
______________________________________________ Member
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| | | | -_| | | . | .'| _| | -_| |__ | . | _| _| | | | .'| _| -_| | __| . | | | | . | .'| _| | . | |
|_| |_|_|___| |__|__| _|__,|___|_|_|___| |_____|___|_| |_| |_____|__,|_| |___| |__| |___|___|_|_|___|__,|_| |_|___|_|_|

From: ***@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 08:43:23 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Martin, Thank you for your confirmation.
Post by Martin Gainty
file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the Providers and with parameterised Binding
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:44 PM Martin Gainty <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

MG2>quick comments

From: ***@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 05:45:21 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Martin, thanks a lot!

You mean I must use pojo + services.xml for Web seivices like a quickstart[1]?MG2>for reliable HTTPBinding to SOAP1.2 use the programmatic approach below to bind HTTP to SOAP1.2
In my example[2], my service classes use only JAX-WS annotations like java_first_jaxws example[3].

And in my understanding, it seems this issue is caused from hard-corded with SOAP 1.1 binding.
MG2>with some of the providers unfortunately yes
In my example case, you should get a wsdl generated by axis2 runtime if you access 'http://localhost:8080/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo-server/services/HelloWorldSoap12?wsdl'.

Axis2 uses wsgen(included JDK) to generate the requested wsdl.
and, however, initialize() set binding as SOAP 1.1 regardless of the service classess binding annotation.
so, wsgen arguments will set for SOAP 1.1.

You must set extra arguments like extension, wsdl:Xsoap1.2 If you want to use wsgen for SOAP 1.2. so, wsgen will complain about it.

MG2>annotations can tweak targetNamespace,serviceName,wsdlLocation and PortName from SOAP12EchoImpl.java:

@javax.xml.ws.WebServiceProvider(targetNamespace="http://jaxws.axis2.apache.org/proxy/soap12", serviceName="SOAP12EchoService", wsdlLocation="META-INF/SOAP12Echo.wsdl", portName="EchoPort")@javax.xml.ws.BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING)@javax.xml.ws.ServiceMode(Mode.MESSAGE)public class SOAP12EchoImpl implements javax.xml.ws.Provider<String> {
MG2>Note: you must implement javax.xml.ws.Provider
Can I change this behavior? Thanks.
MG2>all Axis2 functionality routes to axis2 Impl class that *must* implement ProviderMG2>*some* of the providers do have hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING e.g.



MG2>file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the Providers and with parameterised Binding

[1] https://github.com/apache/axis2-java/tree/v1.7.3/modules/samples/quickstart
[2] https://github.com/emag/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo
[3] https://github.com/apache/axis2-java/tree/v1.7.3/modules/samples/java_first_jaxws

MG2>Many Thanks Ianabe for catching this

Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
To: java-***@axis.apache.org

Hi, I'm new to here.

I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated wsdl accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always treated as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added @BindingType(SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING).

the related code is here:

And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?

MG>your client code:
public class Client {
public String invokeSayHello(String text) { HelloWorld_Service service = new HelloWorld_Service();
MG>create a valid JAX-WS service using YOUR parameters populated into QName
MG>javax.xml.ws.Service service = Service.create(new QName(
"http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/test/OMELEMENT", "OMElementService"));
MG>programatically add SOAP1.2 port using SOAP12HTTP_BINDING parms to your JAXWS service:

MG>service.addPort( new QName(
"http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/test/OMELEMENT", "OMElementPort"), javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING,"http://localhost:6060/axis2/services/OMElementProviderService.OMElementProviderPort");//tweak above port parameter to YOUR PORT
//grab all the configured ports and print them out MG>java.util.Iterator<javax.xml.namespace.QName> ports = service.getPorts(); MG>while(ports.hasNext()) { MG> javax.xml.namespace.QName QNamePort port=(javax.xml.namespace.QName)ports.next(); MG> log.debug("port namespaceURI="+port.getNamespaceURI()); MG> log.debug("port localPart="+port.getLocalPart()); MG> log.debug(" port prefix="+port.getPrefix()); MG> }
HelloWorld stub = service.getHelloWorldPort(); //service was not respecting SOAP12HTTP_BINDING return stub.sayHello(text); }
MG>reference org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatch.OMElementDispatchTest
MG>do you see SOAP12_HTTP_BINDING Port?
Andreas Veithen
2016-06-19 18:43:42 UTC

AFAIK you are neither a committer nor a member of the ASF, so please
stop using a signature misrepresenting your relationship with the ASF.

Post by Martin Gainty
Its folks like yourself that make Axis the most reliable WS project hosted by Apache
Glad I could help
Thanks Ianabe!
Martin Gainty
_____ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _
_____ _ _ _
|_ _| |_ ___ | _ |___ ___ ___| |_ ___ | __|___| _| |_ _ _ _ ___
___ ___ | __|___ _ _ ___ _| |___| |_|_|___ ___
| | | | -_| | | . | .'| _| | -_| |__ | . | _| _| | | | .'|
_| -_| | __| . | | | | . | .'| _| | . | |
|_| |_|_|___| |__|__| _|__,|___|_|_|___| |_____|___|_| |_|
|_____|__,|_| |___| |__| |___|___|_|_|___|__,|_| |_|___|_|_|
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 08:43:23 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Martin, Thank you for your confirmation.
Post by Martin Gainty
file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the Providers
and with parameterised Binding
MG2>quick comments
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 05:45:21 +0000
Subject: Re: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Martin, thanks a lot!
You mean I must use pojo + services.xml for Web seivices like a
MG2>for reliable HTTPBinding to SOAP1.2 use the programmatic approach below
to bind HTTP to SOAP1.2
In my example[2], my service classes use only JAX-WS annotations like
java_first_jaxws example[3].
And in my understanding, it seems this issue is caused from hard-corded with
SOAP 1.1 binding.
MG2>with some of the providers unfortunately yes
In my example case, you should get a wsdl generated by axis2 runtime if you
Axis2 uses wsgen(included JDK) to generate the requested wsdl.
and, however, initialize() set binding as SOAP 1.1 regardless of the service
classess binding annotation.
so, wsgen arguments will set for SOAP 1.1.
You must set extra arguments like extension, wsdl:Xsoap1.2 If you want to
use wsgen for SOAP 1.2. so, wsgen will complain about it.
MG2>annotations can tweak targetNamespace,serviceName,wsdlLocation and
public class SOAP12EchoImpl implements javax.xml.ws.Provider<String> {
MG2>Note: you must implement javax.xml.ws.Provider
Can I change this behavior? Thanks.
MG2>all Axis2 functionality routes to axis2 Impl class that *must*
implement Provider
MG2>*some* of the providers do have hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING e.g.
Post by Martin Gainty
grep -S "HTTP11_BINDING" *Provider.java
MG2>file a jira bug to replace hardcoded SOAP11HTTP_BINDING in the Providers
and with parameterised Binding
[2] https://github.com/emag/axis2-jaxws-soap12-demo
MG2>Many Thanks Ianabe for catching this
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 10:09:07 +0000
Subject: Can't use JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2 ?
Hi, I'm new to here.
I think Axis2 supports JAX-WS + SOAP 1.2, but apparently the generated wsdl
accessing 'http://some-domain/path/to/<servicename>?wsdl' is always treated
as SOAP 1.1 though the service class added
And I've created a simple reproducer. Am I missing something?
public class Client {
public String invokeSayHello(String text) {
HelloWorld_Service service = new HelloWorld_Service();
MG>create a valid JAX-WS service using YOUR parameters populated into QName
MG>javax.xml.ws.Service service = Service.create(new QName(
MG>service.addPort( new QName(
"OMElementPort"), javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING,
//tweak above port parameter to YOUR PORT
//grab all the configured ports and print them out
MG>java.util.Iterator<javax.xml.namespace.QName> ports =
MG>while(ports.hasNext()) {
MG> javax.xml.namespace.QName QNamePort
MG> log.debug("port namespaceURI="+port.getNamespaceURI());
MG> log.debug("port localPart="+port.getLocalPart());
MG> log.debug(" port prefix="+port.getPrefix());
MG> }
HelloWorld stub = service.getHelloWorldPort(); //service was not respecting
return stub.sayHello(text);
MG>reference org.apache.axis2.jaxws.dispatch.OMElementDispatchTest
MG>do you see SOAP12_HTTP_BINDING Port?
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