From: Francesco Viscomi [mailto:***]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:35 AM
To: java-***
Subject: Re: why axis2
what is cxf?
2017-11-16 5:32 GMT+01:00 George Stanchev <***<mailto:***>>:
The correct question is why Axis2 over CXF?
From: Ken Hu [mailto:***<mailto:***>]
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:27 PM
To: java-***<mailto:java-***>
Subject: Re: why axis2
Because you need an implementation of that API.
Axis2 has much more than JAX-WS implementation, for example: you can use Axis2 as a stand-alone soap engine.
If you just want to do JAX-WS things, there are other JAX-WS implementations out there, for example: glassfish
use Metro as their JAX-WS implementation.
Francesco Viscomi æŒ 2017幎11æ16æ¥ 08:13 寫é:
HI all,
i'm new to Axis thecnology, so please apologies me if my request is stupid.
I'm asking that I can send message over soap protocol using just API in the J2EE platform, i mean Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS), why i should use AXIS and learn so many manual? as in
thanks really much
Ing. Viscomi Francesco
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Ing. Viscomi Francesco