Martin, read the thread again. Did you read the first mail?
I specified the problem in the first mail (including the versions). I was
asking for help, I was not posting a bug (I didn't know it could be a bug).
Your answers were confusing. I had to tell you that I wanted to use
rsa-sha1 signatures for *three times*.
Denigrating tone? You said my question is no-op. I've been quite polite so
the questions. Otherwise, it's just empty bragging.
Thanks for your time (again).
Post by Martin GaintyOn Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Enrique Soriano <
Hi Martin, I really appreciate your efforts to help me, but I think you
didnât understand the problem.
The client stubs generated by Axis2 1.7.1 were sending rsa-sha256
signatures, this is a fact.
MG>faux pas as you should be posting version specific bugs at
MG>for your edification dont use this email list for one off version
specific possible bugs
MG>this is for versions that have already been released not for issues on
new (unreleased) versions are addressed here
MG>nobody could track the version you were implementing as you were
always assuming we knew
MG>In the future watch your denigrating tone, dont assume we know what
version you are using
MF>obey the rules and you should be ok if not you be will ignored MG>adios
The server I need to use requires rsa-sha1 signatures, this is a fact.
The client stubs generated by Axis2 1.6.4 are sending rsa-sha1
signatures, this is a fact.
The client and the server can *now* verify the request/responses, this is a fact.
My question was not a no-op.
Thanks again.
for my understanding and to be clear
1)you are not implementing rsa-sha256 on Initiator or recipient so the
rsa-sha256 question is a no-op
2)you are not implementing EncryptedKeySHA1 which is for
encryption/decryption only
3)if the web-service is implementing rsa-sha1
Martin Gainty
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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:57:11 +0100
Subject: Re: WSsecurity: SignatureMethod error
Hi Martin, thanks for your response (again).
I've solved the problem by downgrading to axis2-1.6.4. Now the client
stubs generated by wsdl2java work ok.
Maybe it's just a bug in Axis2 2-1.7.1 (??).
Post by Martin GaintyPost by Martin Gaintyhow would client signing with rsa-sha1 algorithm be able to
communicate with any webservice expecting rsa-sha256 signature?
This web service expects a rsa-sha1, as I said in previous messages.
According to [1] and [2], WS SecurityPolicy specifies that rsa-sha1
must be the signature algorithm. I'm not familiar with WS Security
MG>this is what Fuse work around is to implement with
Apache ESB which supports OASIS spec
MG>speaking of which ..lets reference the OASIS spec on Asymmetric
Binding to make sure we are on the same page
MG>if for no other reason than 99% of Financial Institutions only
implement X509 if your implementation
MG>does not support X509 you wont be able to implement in majority of
financial institutions
C.3.1 Policy
The following example shows a policy indicating an Asymmetric Binding,
an X509 token as the [Initiator Token],
an X509 token as the [Recipient Token],
an algorithm suite, a requirement to encrypt the message parts before signing,
a requirement to encrypt the message signature,
a requirement to include tokens in the message signature and the supporting signatures,
a requirement to include wsse11:SignatureConfirmation elements,
a username token attached to the message, and finally an X509 token
attached to the message and endorsing the message signature.
Minimum message protection requirements are described as well.
<!-- Example Endpoint Policy -->
<wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="..." xmlns:sp="...">
<sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken=".../IncludeToken/Always" />
<sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken=".../IncludeToken/Always" />
<sp:Basic256 />
<sp:Strict />
<sp:IncludeTimestamp />
<sp:EncryptBeforeSigning />
<sp:EncryptSignature />
<sp:ProtectTokens />
<sp:UsernameToken sp:IncludeToken=".../IncludeToken/Once" />
<sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken=".../IncludeToken/Once">
<sp:WssX509v3Token10 />
<sp:RequireSignatureConfirmation />
<!-- Example Message Policy -->
<wsp:All xmlns:wsp="..." xmlns:sp="...">
<sp:Header Name="Header1" Namespace="..." />
<sp:Header Name="Header2" Namespace="..." />
<sp:Header Name="Header2" Namespace="..." />
MG>by Jboss Fuse doc the Algorithm Suite sp:Basic256 for signature encryption is wrong?
<sp:Basic256 />
MG>Jboss Fuse requirements states there is no algorithm other than dsa-rsa1 supported?
MG>but OASIS standards DO support encryption of SIGNATURES with sp:Basic256
MG>is OASIS incorrect?
MG>assertions are misleading but the CYA statement is DOB accurate when
TheWS-SecurityPolicy specification
<> allows
for specifying things like asymmetric/symmetric keys, using transports
(https) for encryption, which parts/headers to encrypt or sign, whether to
sign then encrypt or encrypt then sign, whether to include timestamps,
whether to use derived keys, etc... Basically, it describes what actions
are necessary to securely interact with the service described in the WSDL.
MG>Additional Note: does CXF tell you that if you use camelcase names for
ComplexElements you will fubar CXF wsdl2java?
MG>i have a 4 year old string of emails that documents this fatal error
MG>take everything you read from vendors with a grain of salt
MG>its is always a good idea to go back to the original specification for
the source of truth
MG>Saludos Enrique
Post by Martin GaintySHA1 is used for encryption/decryption only
Post by Martin Gainty<sp:AsymmetricBinding >
Post by Martin Gainty<wsp:Policy>
Post by Martin Gainty<wsp:Policy>
notice that AlgorithmSuite sp:Basic128 is common to both initiator and
how would client signing with rsa-sha1 algorithm be able to
communicate with
Post by Martin Gaintyany webservice expecting rsa-sha256 signature?
Please explain
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 19:34:04 +0100
Subject: RE: WSsecurity: SignatureMethod error
Post by Martin Gainty2000 spec you are
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="http://">
does not acommodate
256 bit signatures
your current option will only
allow 2000 xmldsig spec which is why
you are defaulting to rsa-sha1
algorithm in SignatureMethod
I want to use rsa-sha1, I don't want to use rsa-sha256 (which is the
signature method my client is currently using).